Gift Box

We need:
- Paper
- Scissors
- Decorations. Steps: 1. To start, do the lid from the box. Take the length of the paper size, see 21.5h21.5. Rascherichivaem and its diagonal. The lines run from one corner to protivopolozhnomu.

2. One of the bend angle so that he looked into the center. Then bend it once more to have the edge of the crease went level with lined with strip on tsentru.

3. Do the same with all the angles otrezka.

4. Make incisions on both sides, as in the photo, and start gradually skladyvat.

6. Once the cover of the box ready to do it from the bottom section of the paper the size of a little less than 21.2h21.2 see. The bottom is made in the same way as the cap. In this case, a monochrome bumaga.

Note: You can make boxes of different sizes, but we must not forget that the bottom of the box at a rate of less than 3 mm. Than its cover!
Source: mirfactov.com/