sleep can really help solve the problem that you are concerned for the moment, we just need to take a nap, and you'll find a creative approach to deal with it, according to US experts. According to scientists, the phase of short sleep improves creative thinking and gives you the opportunity to see another side of the problem. In a study of experts studied the people entered into a phase of short sleep, which is also called REM. It turned out that the volunteers entered a phase of REM, could more quickly deal with a new problem or challenge that scientists have put in front of them, than those who did not sleep. In short sleep phase formed the majority of dreams and fantasies, the scientists explained. The study involved 77 people who gave the morning a number of creative tasks and asked to resolve them during the day. Some of the participants awake all day, the remaining short nap during the day. As a result, participants who slept little, have increased their creative abilities by 40% compared with the control group. Experts believe that this issue is important not just a dream, but it was short, so as not to go into a phase of deep sleep, and just take a nap and enhance their creativity. This method can be used for non-standard solutions of a creative nature, the researchers said.
Source: www.ufostation.net/news.php?readmore=2772