The laptop with transparent OLED-display

South Korean company Samsung has introduced the world's first laptop with a transparent screen. Moreover, this feature does not interfere with work and even watch videos from a bright and clear kartinkoy.

The prototype portable computer, the screen is inoperative transparent, and operational quality video demonstrates the need to demonstrate the benefits of Samsung OLED-technology, which the company intends to apply widely in different ustroystvah.

As is known, OLED-displays are based on organic LEDs. Compared to conventional LCD screens, they consume less power and are characterized by the best quality izobrazheniya.

Samsung laptop has a transparent screen which allows about 40% of light to pass through its sites that are not working. And it's not the only gadget from Samsung, which applied a promising OLED-tehnologiya.

However, a thin transparent plate with the photograph of the holder and its data is actually the same OLED-ekranom, information on which can be changed if necessary. In addition, a digital badge can be used as a USB flash drive for data storage.
Source: ru.tsn.ua/nauka_it/samsung-vypustil-prozrachnyi-noutbuk.html