Right-handed and left-handedness

behavior and values of the person are highly dependent on what hand he mostly uses: right-handed all the good things, good and pleasant lies on the right side, and left-handed power of goodness and justice will be on the opposite side. That is the conclusion reached by researchers from the Institute for Psycholinguistics Research Society Max Planck in Germany. As is well known, the views and opinions of man is not always the result of the brain cold, indifferent weighing the "pros" and "cons". Thousands of factors influence the feelings, thoughts, decision-making style of communication, and so on. D. Here, for example, left-handedness and right-handedness. Yes, many people associate the dominance of the left or right hand with the development of the right or of the left hemisphere of the brain. Say, rational and artistic abilities are therefore directly dependent on which hand a person glavnaya.

However, according to Daniel Kasasanto in Current Directions in Psychological Science, if we leave aside arguments about the artistic and the rational side of the mind, we will see how the right and left hand affect any decisions, from the simplest to the most abstract. In a series of experiments, psychologists have offered to participants to make a choice: buy a thing, answer job offers to choose which of the drawn unfamiliar creatures seem more trustworthy. In all cases, the choice coincides with that which the hand of a man was driving. Lefty chose all that was left, the right-hander - on the contrary. "Right" and "Left" skewed preferences began to appear from five years. Moreover, even such abstract assessment as "good" or "bad", depended on the right- or left-handedness. That is right-handed what was right, it was a good, kind, pleasant, and to the left - the evil, the bad. Scientists have explained it this way: right-handed explores the world of the right hand, it is easier to manipulate, and therefore the world "on the right side" seems more friendly and safe. On the left side of the right-handed communication and contact with the environment is difficult, so the left side everything seems more difficult and dangerous. But while psychologists note that this value orientation is not something immutable. If a person begins to develop his other hand, and it gets a slight advantage, then the value judgments begin to shift from left to right or right to left. So, if you are right handed and talk about somebody that he is right, this is not necessarily a consequence of his innocence: perhaps people just standing at the right hand of you, the researchers summed up.
Source: www.compulenta.ru/