Virtual Store

company Tesco, being a major global brand, rapidly won the Korean market. However, to take first place in the number of sales did not succeed. In the main competitor E-Mart opened more outlets across the country.

The first was produced by rebranding - Tesco renamed Homeplus. Reflecting on how to promote a business without having to open new stores, came innovative ideya.

Koreans, being incredibly busy and industrious nation, make purchases once a week, and with great reluctance, and in speshke.

It was therefore decided to make shopping much more affordable. In the subway there were virtual shelves of the grocery store.

All that is needed now is to scan the code necessary products, waiting for the train. Pay for purchases over the Internet, goods will be delivered to your home after work.

Source: yesway.ru/pervyj-v-mire-virtualnyj-magazin-otkrylsya-v-yuzhnoj-koree.html