Japanese fished from the Pacific Ocean more than 140 thousand dollars

Fisherman pulled from Japan in fishing nets bag of money. He can become the owner of 11 million yen (more than 145 thousand dollars). According to local media, less than a month ago, a fisherman from the village of Ofunato in Iwate Prefecture went as usual to place the network in the coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean. That same evening he returned for the catch and found a massive bag of networks. As it turned out, in the bag were 1,100 bills in denominations of 10,000 yen. Under the laws of Japan, if the owner of the missing items not announce itself within 6 months, a finding will be given to the finder. Thus, 27 April 2012 fisherman can become the owner of the catch of 11 million yen. Iwate Prefecture, in the north-eastern part of the island of Honshu - one to take a hit from the earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011, when most of the coastal area was completely destroyed. Residents of the affected areas have lost not only their homes, but also located in the courtyard of the property. See also: Dead whale shark found off the coast of Pakistan, was sold for $ 19 thousand. 5 abandoned ships from around the world.
Source: podrobnosti.ua/kaleidoscope/2011/10/30/800686.html