As it turned out, if the temperament and intelligence is inherited, the feeling of happiness and a person can get genetically. Mood depends on the number in the body of the neurotransmitter called serotonin. It affects brain cells and thereby regulates the level of our mood. For the production of its gene responsible 5-HTT, which exists as two alleles modifications - short and long. From parents, each person can get one allele - or long or short. As it turned out as a result of research carried out among the thousands of pairs of American teenage twins, most consider themselves happy are those who have received from parents combination of two long alleles - these turned out to be 17%. Among the owners of long-short combinations - 8% happy. The most "miserable" were those who inherited two short alleles. See also: 17 secrets of happiness. Economist from Australia considered how much happiness. 5 ways to motivate yourself during the day.
Source: focus.ua/health/221514/