Fresh bouquet
If the World Women's Day was not, he certainly would have invented flower sellers. After all, up to 70% of their annual income they receive in this holiday and the day before. The excitement is so great that it is often in the course are podvyadshie flowers and illiquid commodity. How to buy a bouquet of fresh and high quality, "AIF" said designer florist Marianna Popova. Do not buy ready-made compositions, standing in the window. Firstly, most of them use the flowers are not the first freshness, and secondly, in the Mixed bouquet, which used more than one type of plant, but still in contact with the packaging material, the flowers wither 2-3 times faster. Want a bouquet? Let the seller make it with you and for you! When you choose roses or tulips, they bend the outer petals. If they are flexible and quickly return to their place - fresh flowers. Remain in the state are bent or loose - these colors you do not need. If you are buying flowers that have stamens, check that they are free of pollen. Flower "youth" lives much longer than the mature individual. And pollen is just an indicator of maturity. Check the base of the bud and the leaves on the stem. The substrate must be uniformly green, firm and creak under your fingers. The soft, languid, "wrinkled" or pale - a sign that the flower is about to begin to fade. The leaves must also be free of brown spots and dried-up areas. See also: Incredible colors of the animals in China. Russian biologists resurrected plant age 30 thousand years. In the UK snowdrop bulb sold for a record sum.
Source: www.aif.ru/society/article/50124
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Biologists have shown that our "older" was the ancestor of two-millimeter sea worm