Invasion of the Spiders
Australia continues to extensive flooding - people forced to leave their homes, and local arthropods learn new habitats. Fleeing from the water coming, they all braided sticky web unoccupied flood islands sushi.
1. Australia continues to suffer from a large-scale flooding. There's a week heavy rains do not stop, because of which overlook the river banks. It is predicted that some areas will be under water by 9 metrov.
2. Severe flooding caused the invasion of spiders who braided their webs, like white snow or poplar fluff, all coastal rayony.
3. Millions of arthropods braided dense coastal vegetation kokonom.
4. Coastal field like a grid, enmeshed in a dense sticky pautinoy.
5. According to the experts, such an abundance of cobwebs because the spiders are trying to survive in the floods, forced to seek shelter from the coming vody.
6. The largest number of spiders observed in the area of Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, where before it was evacuated for about eight thousand local zhiteley.
7. Numerous braid cobweb spiders are not flooded islands sushi.
8. In general, it is - wolf spiders, which, fortunately, are not yadovitymi.
9. This behavior of spiders - quite typical in these conditions. A similar phenomenon was observed last year during the floods in Pakistan. See also: In Algeria, there is a lake, where instead of water - ink. Salinas Grandes - a snow-white desert of Argentina. Beautiful and unpredictable road in Norway.
Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=267195