People in space
If ever been able to overcome the difficulty of conceiving space, then it is likely that women would give birth to a humanoid little children conceived on different planets. However, small children would not remain too long in small by the standards of normal earthling. On Earth, for every gram of body weight of a person throughout his life he is experiencing the force of gravity. On other planets of the solar system is simply impossible. Currently, researchers are working to create opportunities for artificial gravity to the human body it easier to stay on a long flight into space. According to NASA, the astronauts grow up to 2 inches, while in outer space as well as the lack of gravity causes the fluid between the vertebrae to expand. After returning to Earth in 10 days growth astronaut returned to normal. Due to the increasing growth in the NASA uses special suits, in which there is a place focused on the fact that the astronaut bit podrastet.
It should be noted that we also grow during sleep when we are lying in bed, gravity causes our spine to lengthen, so when you wake up, you're half an inch higher than they were last night. Some scientists suggest that children born on other planets, like Mars, with a low gravity will be a few centimeters higher than if they were born on earth. While both inherited from parent gene not naturally change, the spine will be lengthened. Moreover, the Martian children would not suffer from loss of muscle mass and from the "bone problems," which regularly face the astronauts during long flights. Unfortunately, if the children are born and raised on Mars, would want to return to Earth, they would have experienced serious problems. Since the force of gravity on Mars is three times weaker than on Earth, on his return to Earth in these children have developed a serious problem with the bones. One NASA scientist Al Globe (Al Globus) cited the example of a person who weighs 160 pounds. "If such a man lived on Mars and decided to move back to Earth, on Earth it would have weighed nearly 500 pounds, he with great difficulty could get out of bed, so for children who grew up on Mars or the Moon, the desire to learn in college in the world would be out of reach. "
See also: Facts about space from the words themselves astronauts. Space elevator - is an elevator that can rise to the height of 100 000 km. Why are the photographs from space do not see the stars?
Source: mirfactov.com/