Hozyayva for two and a half thousand of teddy bears

Retired from Delray Beach, Florida, has launched a campaign to find the home for two and a half thousand of teddy bears that have accumulated in his house.
80-year-old Jerry Gamble said that before settling the issues involved bears his wife, but she died in February, and now he has decided to continue its operations, says South Florida Sun Sentinel. According to Gamble, his wife Jean acquired teddybear on sales of junk at flea markets and various fairs. If the toy turned out worse for wear, it updates them, put in order and get rid of dirt and dust. In the years that Jean Gamble engaged in "saving" the bears, their accumulated about three thousand. After the death of Jean Gamble her son and husband tackled the further destiny of the bears. To date, managed to attach some five hundred pieces, the others are waiting their turn. Jerry Gamble said he did not want to just get rid of the toy, since it would not be fair either to them or to the memory of his wife. Retired expressed the hope that soon all two thousand bears will find new owners.
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Source: mirfactov.com/