Gsm Alarm

Many caring property owners installed in their premises alarm. And as noted experts in the field of protection, they began to give preference to systems gsm. Their advantage is that they alert the owner via incoming phone reports that in his home or office worker who was trying to infiltrate. And until recently, these devices were considered as the most modern, because people instantly recognize the incident. But the electronic technology is not standing still, and most recently a new
gsm-alarm system, which not only sends a message, but also makes the pictures. The new model of alarm is called "Sentinel MMS IT». It is equipped with a camera that captures what is happening in the room. Captured images alarm is sent to the phone as an MMS or can send an e-mail. Photos taken by the system, a very high quality. The camera installed infrared light, which allows you to take good pictures even in complete darkness, without flash, and any other light sources.

But the new device has another important advantage - after the alarm system will send a message to the phone, and it will make the call. As a result, the owner of the premises will be able to hear what is happening in his home or in the office. For this function to set the device sensitive microphone and speaker. Customize all incoming notifications from the gsm-alarm the user can. He can set the operation of the device, the pictures can also be sent on request. Novelty can be used for protection of any premises. Furthermore, it can be connected to motion detectors, temperature, gas leaks and other species. Total alarm system can connect up to 25 sensors. Work "Guardian MMS IT» life may be 12 hours. If the owner of the premises in time to not take care of the charging device, it will send him a text message to the phone on the need to do so, otherwise the camera will be disabled. This new alarm can be called a real breakthrough in the development of security systems. After all, it provides property owners almost complete confidence that they own the premises are safe, and if cracking occurs, they can about it to know not only timely, but also get identikits of those who entered into their home or office.
Source: mirfactov.com/