Prozrachnogolovaya fish

Macropinna Microstoma a long time did not allow zoologists to sleep peacefully. Its transparent head and eyes unusual cylindrical shape for them remained a mystery. Otgadka was found only in 2004. Due to the transparent shell color fish can observe what is happening around her. But the biggest surprise was her eyes. Looking at the picture, guess where they are located?
Holes have to mouth, that initially took for the eyes, in fact, turned out to be their olfactory organs. And what it is inside a transparent head and is very similar to 2 green hemisphere, in fact, turned out to be the eyes of the fish. They are separated by a thin bone wall.
In light of the eyes become bright green color. This is due to their content of particular yellow pigment which provides filtering of the light and reduces its brightness. I recall that many of the development of deep-sea fish is bad. About makropinnu so do not tell me why she should take care of their eyes from bright light with which she may face, rising for prey in the upper strata vody.

The world learned of the fish only in 1939, when she accidentally caught in fishing nets. Her description of the study and the primary engaged William Chapman. But because of the deep-sea habitats to explore in more detail this fish was not possible, but with a little sample take. In addition, when a sharp change in pressure (from the depths to the surface), it was torn transparent shell that protects glaza.

And only in 2004, scientists were able to see the fish in their natural habitat at a depth of 500-800 meters. This was possible because scientists from the Research Institute Monterey Bay Aquarium and submersibles «ROVs», by which the video was shot, and made the first pictures prozrachnogolovoy fish. The body of the small fish, the length of 10 - 15 centimeters, covered with dark scales. Despite the large throat, mouth opening narrow enough fish, because of what she has to keep track of the size of production. Floating in a horizontal position, tubular fish eyes are always directed upward. So she looks out for their prey, which is in the upper sloyah.

And after 5 years, in 2009, they managed to catch a few specimens of fish and observe their behavior in a special tank. And what results have come scientists. It turns out that the fish eye tube can be rotated. This occurs during the hunt, when the fish, noting production, has his body vertically.
Their stomachs are various crustaceans, tentacles siphonophores, cnidarians and other zooplankton. Slowly floating in the water, the fish is looking up. As soon as she noticed on a tasty morsel, then swim under it and moves the body vertically to grab prey. At this point, her eyes moved 90 °, leaving a production field zreniya.

Judging by the fact that she had to deal with poisonous stinging tentacles siphonophores covers of the fish immune to their poison, and his eyes are protected transparent shell.
Lives fish with a transparent head in the sub-Arctic and temperate waters of the Pacific Ocean: the Kuril Islands, northern Japan, the Bering Sea, west coast of Canada and the United States, as well as the Gulf of California. See also: Top 10 scary sharks. Dead whale shark found off the coast of Pakistan, was sold for $ 19 thousand. The child from India stuck in the lungs live fish.
Source: pif.livejournal.com/2207738.html