Talking coffee machine

established in London talking vending machines, there was coffee. According to the website The Drum, Machine was named "Kenneth". After the successful launch of a line of coffee Kenco Millicano in 2011, the brand Kenco, owned by Kraft Foods, decided to launch a line of coffee machines.

To draw attention to this event, on July 6 in London Soho Square was a vending machine "Kenneth". Actually "talking" machine is not itself communicates with passers-by - this makes him a comedian that is hidden from prying eyes. Machine offers free coffee to passers-by in exchange for some fun activities, for example, he can offer them a hug him. Coffee are available for recording on Twitter with the tag #KencoTalks. This is not the first time use as advertising unusual vending machine. In South Africa, have already established machine that handed out for tweets green tea, and Singapore have established machine that distributed Coca-Cola for a hug.
Source: mirfactov.com/