7 kinofaktov

1. For the film "Slumdog Millionaire" Mercedes-Benz has asked to remove your logo in the scenes that take place in the slums. According to Danny Boyle, the company did not want its brand associated with poor areas, fearing that it will hurt their imidzhu.

2. In the movie "Anchorman", a Mexican restaurant that Veronica visited together with the girls from the station, called «Escupimos en su Alimento», which in Spanish means "We spit in your food» .

3. For the film "Terminator 2 - Judgment Day", Arnold Schwarzenegger has received $ 15 million. Each of the 700 words that he said in the entire movie, worth 21 429 dollars. Thus, the famous «Hasta la vista baby» worth 85, 716 dollarov.

4. In the scene "40 Year Old Virgin", where Andy tear the hair from the chest to remove these pictures, it took five cameras. With breast actor Steve Carell hair torn for real. Before filming the scene the actor said director Judd Apatow: "Everything should be for real. Would not be funny if we imitate, or make a special effect. The viewer has to see it for real. " Therefore, the scene could only be removed in one dubl.

5. "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace" as a communicator Qui-Gon Jinn, played by Liam Neeson, performed slightly altered razor for women Sensor Excel Razor

6. The Shawshank Redemption: the role originally Tommy (young idiot, Andy Dufresne is forced to learn, and who was later ordered to kill the director of the prison), was intended Brad Pittu.

7. The mask killer for the film "Scream" was inspired by a painting by Edward Munch with the same nazvaniem.

Source: mixstuff.ru/archives/2334