Bedside robot

Robots are everywhere: at first they drove people from factories, then with kitchens, and now more and intend to get us in the head during sna.

One copy of these curious machines can be found in the hotel chain "Ibis Hotels" in Berlin, London and Parizhe.

The campaign "Sleep Art" ("Art in a dream"), every guest is offered the opportunity to spend the night in the company of a robot that will display your dream in the form of artistic proektsii.

To do this, you need to sleep on a special mattress riddled 80 sensors that monitor pressure, temperature and zvukom.

All this information is collected and sent to bed over a wireless network in the Parisian art studio, where the algorithm processes the data and displays them visually as a series of sketches of brush that smart machine carefully draws on a canvas.
Source: drunov.ru/news/prikrovatnyy_robot_risuyushchiy_vash_son/