Bad breath

you carefully brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, using a toothpick and dental floss in the morning still in her mouth an unpleasant smell? The reason is not poor dental care and in bacteria that prefer moist, warm environment of our mouth. Microbes that produce malodorous compounds, are the main culprits of a bad smell, which, unfortunately, nothing can be done. The best thing - is awakening to brush your teeth immediately. Rinse and toothpaste containing ingredients such as xylitol, triclosan and essential oils, creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria. But the impact of these ingredients is short-lived. After some time, all of these substances are washed away, and the bacteria begin to multiply again.

Why is the situation worsens at night? The fact is that at night is greatly reduced saliva production and that the liquid, which washes away the bacteria is present in very small quantities. As a result, for many hours "odorous" concentration increases and creates an unpleasant odor.

At the same time we are not talking about a few smacks of bad connections, and about the many types that colonize different areas of the mouth. Scientists estimate that in our mouth more bacteria than people on Earth. Decomposition microbes leads to bad breath.

Some amino acids, which feed on bacteria contain sulfur, which contributes to a bad smell. In addition, the components of bad breath are: cadaverine (the smell of a corpse), hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell), isovaleric acid (smell of sweaty feet), methyl mercaptan (smell of excrement), putrescine (the smell of rotting meat) and trimethylamine (the smell of rotting fish). We can say that we are going in the mouth worst smells that you can imagine.

In other words the whole night in our mouth creates a huge bunch of disgusting flavors, which explains why the morning kisses lose their little romantic touch.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Pochemu-po-utram-poyavlyaetsya-nepriyatnyi-zapah-izo-rta.html