smoking cessation

British scientists have pleased those who are going to quit smoking - as it turned out, the refusal of a bad habit extends the life of an average of ten let.

Researchers from Oxford University studied the biographies of more than a million women who were born in the 1940s. Large-scale experiment lasted for 12 years. First, in 1996, its participants (then aged about 55 years old) offered to fill in a questionnaire about their way zhizni.

Researchers turned to him with such a request every three years. Of study participants 20% were active smokers, 28% reported that they had quit smoking, and 52% had never smoked. By 2011, 66,000 took part in the survey umerli.

In processing the data revealed that smokers die much more often than non- smokers and ex-smokers. And even then, at what age did you stop smoking, mattered. For example, women who quit smoking before 30, died less frequently than those who quit after 40. The excess mortality among smokers was caused mainly diseases associated with smoking, such as cancer legkih.

"Women who were born around 1940 were the first generation in which people have a lot of smoke throughout their adult lives. Therefore, only in the XXI century. We can directly observe the impact of the duration of smoking, and prolonged refusal of cigarettes, on premature mortality among women, "- said the researcher from Oxford Sir Richard Pitot.
Source: www.utro.ru/articles/2012/10/27/1080422.shtml