7-year-old athlete

Strong-grader from the Chinese province of Anhui easily raise any gravity and move from place to place cars. Schoolboy Young Dzhinlong from Chuzhou famous throughout China for its unique ability to raise almost any heavy objects. At 7 years, the child can move even transport sredstva.

It all began in early childhood: a boy could not stand aside when his mother wore heavy bags home. And then the kid Young began to help her. He gradually increased and began to carry the load sacks of grain, working already on a par with his ottsom.

- One day, the son came over and offered to pick me. And I, by the way, I weigh 90 kilograms! - Says the boy's father. - I immediately refused. However, Yang decided to disobey me and took a lift. To my surprise there was no limit - the son of easily implemented plans!

That's when Dad and the little athlete has decided to take up the training of his son. By 7 years of success Dzhinlonga reached such heights that the child began to move independently mashiny.

- I am very proud of him. Son managed to budge the car weighing nearly 2 tons - said the mother malchika.

Many of the young athlete entourage believe that the extraordinary abilities of the child related to his weight - in its 7 years Young weighs 50 kilograms. However, the boy's parents did not believe that their child is overweight.

- Son of a day eating as many calories as you need for the normal functioning of the organism, - said the mother of the athlete. - He has a regular physical activity, and therefore the need to have more Yang than its conventional peers.
Source: lifenews.ru/news/102267