Starring famous films

Each of us at least once while watching a movie recognize familiar places. Of course, if the action takes place in the central square of the city, it does not cause a big surprise, but if the main character suddenly finds himself in a nearby street, the viewer inevitably embraces a sense of belonging to what is happening. Especially clearly felt it, when we know the scene, being in it for the first time. In the city the capital of cinema, such as New York, ordinary people almost live on the set. Films shot here since the beginning of the last century, and many streets have become famous only because of him went kinogeroi.

"Boondock Saints» (The Boondock Saints (1999)

"Breakfast at Tiffany's» (Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

"Family Man» (The Family Man (2000)

"Lovers» (Falling in Love (1984)

"Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Ny» (Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)

"Uptown Girls» (Uptown Girls (2003)

"When Harry Met Sally» (When Harry Met Sally (1989)

"When Harry Met Sally» (When Harry Met Sally (1989)

"When Harry Met Sally» (When Harry Met Sally (1989)

"Three Men and a Little Lady» (Three Men and a Little Lady (1990)

"If Lucy Fell» (If Lucy Fell (1996)

"Meet Dave» (Meet Dave (2008)

The series "Roseanne» (Roseanne: Disney World War II (1996)

"Cinderella Man» (Cinderella Man (2005)

"Dirty Work» (Dirty Work (1998)

"It's going to happen to you» (It Should Happen To You (1954)

The series "Roseanne» (Roseanne: Disney World War II (1996)

The series "Roseanne» (Roseanne: Disney World War II (1996)

"How to sew my little wife» (How to Murder Your Wife (1965)

"Jack sail» (Jack Goes Boating (2010)

"Naked City» (The Naked City (1948)

"You've Got Mail» (You've Got Mail (1998)

"Cinderella Man» (Cinderella Man (2005)

"Fever Pitch» (Fever Pitch (2005)

"Dirty Work» (Dirty Work (1998)

"American Psycho» (American Psycho (2000)

"Doctor Who: The Angels Take Manhattan» (Doctor Who: The Angels Take Manhattan (2012)

"Godspell» (Godspell (1973)

"Concierge» (For Love or Money (1993)

"Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps» (Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)

"Factory Girl» (Factory Girl (2006)

"Breakfast at Tiffany's» (Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

"Ghostbusters» (Ghostbusters (1984)

«The Avengers» (The Avengers (2012)

"Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Ny» (Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)

"The Day After Tomorrow» (The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

"Midnight Cowboy» Midnight Cowboy (1969)
Source: pixanews.com/cinema/gde-snimalis-znamenitye-filmy.html