In St. Petersburg monument iPhone
January 9 in St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics a ceremonial opening of a monument to one of the founders of Apple's Steve Jobs. The two-meter monument is located on Exchange line, 14.
Memorial is an almost two-meter «iPhone 4", which, by the way, handing out free wi-fi. On its front panel is placed touch interactive screen, which shows a biography, pictures and videos of the founder Apple.
This smartphone content will be updated periodically. On the rear surface is placed QR-code read that you can go to the dedicated Jobs sayt.
Date of opening of the monument was not chosen randomly. It was January 9, 2007, Jobs introduced the American public first generation iPhone.
Erect a monument designed by Gleb Tarasov St. Petersburg man, won the "Solar QR-code» .
According to the author of the idea, it was originally intended to create a memorial, QR-code which would have to be changed daily. However, due to cloudy weather, characteristic of St. Petersburg, on the initiative otkazalis.
Source: www.ridus.ru/news/62049/