The world's first library without books
the autumn of 2013 in Texas San Antonio opened the world's first library, which is not books. BiblioTech become the world's first public library, where conventional book will be completely replaced elektronnymi.
The initiator of the project was a local judge Nelson Wolfe. According to him, the creation of an electronic library of his inspired reading of the biography of the founder of Apple Steve Jobs, written by the former head of CNN and editor of the weekly The Time Walter Isaaksonom.
Initially, the library will be about 100 devices for reading electronic books. They can be used both in the reading room and take home for a certain period. In addition, everyone will be able to come to BiblioTech with your device and download it to your favorite book.
"The library will be completely free. The only thing that will probably be charged, - printing materials, "- said the author of the project.
Source: mirfactov.com/