The new coating

Researchers from the University of Michigan have created a new coating that can repel almost all existing liquids: Newtonian fluid and non-Newtonian fluids. This coating is not afraid of no ketchup or concentrated acids, nor oil, nor alcohol or solvents, or various polymer rastvorov.

The researchers said the new coating can be applied in various fields, such as in the production of protective clothing. Researchers tested the coating with more than one hundred and fluids found that only two of them, it can not withstand. They turned out to chlorofluorocarbon liquid. Coating consists of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and liquid repelling "nanokubikov" carbon, fluorine, silicon and oxygen. When applied to a surface, it forms a web of its pores of air pockets, whereby liquid contact can not come into contact with a solid surface.
Source: zhelezyaka.com/novosti/tehnologiya/novoe-pokrytie-ottalkivaet-pochti-vse-zhidkosti-7769/