Transparent iPad

With an enviable constancy designers delight audiences concepts transparent iPhone and iPad. These dreams are still very far from even the possibility of technical implementation, not to mention the ease of use of the transparent tablet or smartphone. That's another designer presented to the public his vision of a transparent iPad.

Designer Luis Ricardo Monteiro Afonso created his iPad with a transparent thin metal strip, framing the edges of the device. Additionally, the concept was a place and a button Home, and the camera iSight, along with another camera on the back of plansheta.

In order to accommodate these important elements of the designer has created two islands from the bottom and top of the device. You can dream and imagine that it is there, deprived of transparency and is all steel filling iPad.

Of course in real life to create such a plate is not possible, at least maintaining current functionality. At the same time the acute question ease of such a device. Imagine the condition of the surface will be clear after active play in something or just a long work with planshetom.

Source: mirfactov.com/
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