
group of American enthusiasts developed the material for sewing shirts that do not require frequent washing. According to the description, the product remains fresh and does not change its form for at least 100 days. The material is called Cotton-Soft, and now the firm Wool & Prince collects funds for the first batch of "shirts for the lazy» .

To prove the effectiveness of the material, the founder of the Wool & Prince shirt worn for more than three months. Then he walked on the street and offered to passers-by to evaluate the quality of the material, as well as smell the subject odezhdy.

To find the money Americans have traditionally resorted to crowdfunding service Kickstarter. A little more than a week, the amount claimed was gathered - instead of $ 30 thousand. People entrusted Wool & Prince more than $ 70 thousand. One shirt will cost $ 98. According to Gizmodo, given the fact that the shirt does not have to be washed or dry cleaned too often, it's not so much.
Source: mirfactov.com/