"Go wash your hands!"

«Go wash your hands!" - told us in childhood adults, calling for dinner. And do something right did not know how to wash your hands! At least, so it seems to researchers from Michigan State University. They estimated that only 5% of people wash their hands properly, really destroying pathogenic mikroby.

The researchers base their conclusions on a study of the habits of almost 4 thousand people. They set up surveillance cameras in restaurants near the sinks. It was found that only 5% of adults wash their hands of visitors institutions after using the toilet, so how to do it: about 20 seconds using soap and water at the same time. Otherwise the bacteria becomes much menshe.

The researchers argue that this is not hypocrisy on their part, and common sense, because half of all eating disorders, due to which a lot of people gets to the hospital, it is caused by dirty hands. But it turned out that the vast number of adults costing 5 or 6 seconds protseduroy.

The researchers also noticed that half of the men ignore the soap, and 15% of all exits from the toilet without washing his hands at the same time. But scientists at the request of the toilets were kept, say, the average net. But that did not stop and 7% of women leave without washing their hands. Still, scientists have noted that visitors to places far less likely to wash their hands, if not perfectly clean washbasin. But much more hygienic still wash your hands, even if to unscrew the faucet, need a napkin.
Source: mirfactov.com/