Swimming at the Whale Shark

Fishing in the Gulf (inland sea west Atlantic) had a lasting impression on the teenager from Florida - he was able to ride on a 9-meter whale shark.
According to British newspaper Daily Mail, an incredible meeting of 19-year-old American woman who lives with the deep sea occurred 30 miles (48 km) from the coast of the island of Captiva.

Chris Kreis While fishing Chris Kreis and his friends noticed the outline of a huge water creatures and realized that their boat floats near the whale shark. Without thinking twice, the guy jumped into the water and grabbed a 9-meter dorsal fin of the fish, for 20 seconds skated on it. While the whale shark, willy-nilly become an attraction, hilarious Chris, the other fishermen filmed on video American fun, encouraging him with vozglasami.

But riding a sea dweller did not last long - Kreis felt her discontent. "When I grabbed the shark's fin, then I felt resistance, and realized that she did not like it all, so I let go of the fish, that's all" - so described his adventure guy. Later, Chris posted a 30-second spot, filmed his friends on YouTube. Marine biologist Bruce Neal (Bruce Neill), get acquainted with the video, I explained why the innocent actions of Chris Kreis could harm sea dweller. "When people for some time in contact with the body of a shark, they tear off with a slime coating fish. But the health of these animals is very important protective layer ", - said the Marine biolog.

Chris demonstrates trophy - hammerhead sharks Kreis boasted about the "incredible experience" on Facebook as long until I knew the words of Bruce Neal. Later the man admitted that he had in mind was not to harm the magnificent creation. "Next time I will not touch this fish" - promised Chris local journalists. It is worth noting that the whale sharks are the largest fish and reaches a length of 13 meters. But, despite its name and the impressive dimensions, they feed mainly on plankton and small fish. Sharks cetaceans are not considered an endangered species and ride on them is not forbidden by law, but, according to the magazine "National Geographic", they are particularly vulnerable, as in the Philippines continue to hunt these fish.
Source: fedpost.ru/lydi/42815-paren-prokatilsya-na-9-metrovoj-kitovoj-akule.html