Whale Wharf - "Disneyland" Ural side
On the shores of an alpine lake Urals - Zyuratkul is popular among tourists stylized antique Russian fairy marina. At the pier moored two brigantine "Zyuratkul" and "Valentine". And on the shores built a city where you can find fairy-tale characters such as Bag of Bones, Baba Yaga with her hut on chicken legs, Goblin, and near the chain goes scientist cat. In this fabulous town can find dozens of different characters from folklore.
Very well set up a fantastic atmosphere, and a visit to Whale pier takes you to another world, where you can find the same medieval castles with cannons unusual species and stand at the helm of the brigantine.
15 ph via bigpicture
1. Pirate Bragantino whales pier
2. Local vehicle
3. On the pier there are guns unusual designs
4. And these miniature versions
5. Pirate brigintina Zyuratkul pirates on board
6. A general view of the pier with Whale brigantine
7. The fortress under the protection
8. You feel like in a medieval castle
9. So I want to try this gun in action
10 "Brothel Koshchey Immortal"? Very interesting, what's inside?
11. Hut on Chicken Legs Baba Yaga
12. The yurts are made of real raw cow hides, the smell of inexpressible in words.
13. Russian XIX century coaching inn
14. Beautiful family estate
All this beauty is located in the national park Zyuratkul in the Chelyabinsk region.
Very well set up a fantastic atmosphere, and a visit to Whale pier takes you to another world, where you can find the same medieval castles with cannons unusual species and stand at the helm of the brigantine.
15 ph via bigpicture
1. Pirate Bragantino whales pier

2. Local vehicle

3. On the pier there are guns unusual designs

4. And these miniature versions

5. Pirate brigintina Zyuratkul pirates on board

6. A general view of the pier with Whale brigantine

7. The fortress under the protection

8. You feel like in a medieval castle

9. So I want to try this gun in action

10 "Brothel Koshchey Immortal"? Very interesting, what's inside?

11. Hut on Chicken Legs Baba Yaga

12. The yurts are made of real raw cow hides, the smell of inexpressible in words.

13. Russian XIX century coaching inn

14. Beautiful family estate

All this beauty is located in the national park Zyuratkul in the Chelyabinsk region.
