Facts about smartphones

Smartphones have become part of our lives, and now and then fall into different stories. We present five interesting facts related to these electronic gadgets.

1. Scientists from the Harvard Business School (HBS) found a correlation between the size of the mobile device, the posture of man and his behavior. Briefly summarize their findings, we can say that the owners of large gadgets are more confident than owners of devices with small screens. The main reason for this - in a pose. Small smartphone causes the body involuntarily hump and shrink. But the use of a gadget with a large display allows you to be in the open position, that gives confidence. And, you can hide behind the wind, or, in which case, use a smartphone as a paddle or a shovel.

2. The smartphone for the owner - a very intimate thing. Therefore it is not surprising that even during sex, men do not let it go. Every tenth owner of the smartphone checks for updates, making love. Research on this topic was conducted recently in the United States, most likely, in Russia, the situation is much the same.

3. Smartphones accepted blame for provoking various diseases. For example, say that long conversations on the mobile phone can lead to partial loss of hearing because the user constantly adjust the volume on the background of the ambient street noise. Dirty body provokes skin problems. This is facilitated by the fact that part of the face to which the device is touched, often sweat during a call. Long conversations in an uncomfortable position lead to pain in the neck and back. But the most interesting "disease" of the smart phone was invented in South Korea. Local scientists have suggested that the passion for mobile devices and entertainment gadgets provokes "digital dementia", which manifests itself, in particular, as an inability to concentrate.

4. Despite the widespread popularity of removable panels for smartphones these days, in fact, the fashion for colored cover of mobile phones began back in 1998. Just then there was the Nokia 5110, which it was possible to buy different panels. Today in the lineup every major brand is "smart chameleon", but only one manufacturer (Highscreen) puts in a set of several removable panels, the others offer to purchase them for an additional fee.

Highscreen Omega Prime XL sold three caps included - black, white and lemon yellow. Change the image can be instantly and completely free. And it is not only the dignity of the machine - Highscreen Omega Prime XL is equipped with an excellent 5, 3-inch display, powerful quad-core processor and supports also the work of two SIM-cards. Also in early August, on sale there was a smaller version of the smartphone with 4, 7-inch display.

5. The American company TalkTalk Mobile conducted an unusual study to create a psychological profile of smartphone owners on different operating systems - iOS, Android and BlackBerry. The conclusion is that the owners of iPhones pay great attention to their image, and spend a lot of money. They see themselves as more attractive than the owners of other "pipes." Many travel and communicate in social networks. The owners of BlackBerry smartphones more business - they communicate a lot via email and earn 4,000 dollars a year more than owners of other smartphones. They are also distinguished by the ability to building long-term relationships. People with smartphones on Android on average have better manners and better prepared. And they are more likely than others to watch TV and drink more alcohol - if you measure the amount of alcohol consumed per week.
Source: mirfactov.com/