Disappeared people "Bo"

For many hundreds and thousands of years in folk superstitions entrenched custom of placing the dead in some place far removed from living people. Or, at least, to do everything possible to never interfere with them - at least to bury in the ground. And then arrange a deadly fireworks.
This logic is followed by almost all nations, but some have resorted to it with a special izobretatelnostyu.

For example, people from ethnic named "Bo", has long lived in the south of China, decided that we should bury their relatives, doing entirely without land. They did not drown or burn the dead, and buried them - but not in the ground, and skalah.

Coffins made pretty rough hardwood and painting not exposed. However, many of them came to our dney.

Most "fresh" have been installed on the rocks along the Yangtze River 400 years ago. Age of the oldest, which are still to be found - about a thousand years. And the oldest tomb dates from the bo 2, 5 thousand years!

The essence of this custom has remained misunderstood. Not that the ancient Chinese wanted to better their ancestors were associated with air or with the elements, not for some reason hidden ... And even more difficult to say for what purpose do modern Filipinos. We can only express dogadki.

Source: mirfactov.com/