The couple from the United States

couple from the United States was able to throw for two nearly 240 kilograms in 19 months of strict diet, exercise and support of friends. Justin and Lauren Shelton (Justin and Lauren Shelton) were married in 2008, but soon the emergency treatment at the hospital made them realize that the problem of excess weight can cost them their lives. And then they decided to pull myself together and get rid of unnecessary kilograms. Lauren became easier on 78, and Justin at 157 kilograms. They say that the relatives whom they have not seen the last couple of years, in the literal sense they do not know.

So they look now. If the current Lauren is still possible to see her old, then Justin looks completely different person. Pending a decision to lose weight, they preferred to indulge in food, simply because it was so comfortable: Lauren justify their reluctance to lose weight innate shyness and Justin injured his knee in high school, which allegedly prevented him from doing sports.

That all changed in January 2012, when Justin was hospitalized with a kidney infection, and found that he simply does not fit into the machine for diagnosis. Fortunately, the infection was not very serious and did not end in death.

But after this incident the couple decided to give up junk food and hired a specialist to help them get rid of the extra kilos from. And the process went fairly quickly - in the first five months, Justin dropped 45 kilograms. He moved with a wedge of pancakes with syrup and sausage in the morning on potato pancakes and whey protein.

Once a favorite trip to the restaurant, they were replaced by sports, their life has become happier, and the house filled with love, which earlier was not enough, the couple recognized Shelton. Especially to lose weight together, much easier, says Justin and Lauren.

Source: mirfactov.com/