Armchair Assassin

56-year-old William Harrington was delighted with his new relaxation leather chair, but he could not imagine what problems will soon turn out for him this purchase. Male, two years muchivshiysya from a mysterious skin disease, found that it was caused by a toxic chair, which he bought on internet auction site eBay.

Within two years, Harrington suffered from painful and itchy sores all over the body. According to William, he sometimes seemed that his body burns. A physician, to which he went after the first signs of illness, was unable to help and sent him to the profile expert. He examined the man and after a few tests, concluded that Harrington contact with some toxic substance. Later a man found that wonderful leather chair was the party toxic furniture, which was withdrawn from shops after numerous complaints of allergic reactions. But the seller did not warn about possible dangers Harrington when he sold the chair on the online auction site.

"Every time I sit in this chair, it poisoned my body, and I did not even suspect. Because of him, I was constantly scratching. I could not stop and scratch oneself the skin to the blood. At times it seemed to me that I was roasted alive, "- said Harrington. Mr. Harrington bought a chair on eBay, and soon after it came to it, he had a rash. In fact, to establish its origin, and doctors took him 18 months. Therapist William admitted that he had never seen anything like it, and discharged patients steroid cream, sent to a dermatologist. Only a few months later, the man noticed that the itching worse after he sit in his favorite chair black.

Then Harrington has decided to use the Internet and discovered that the chairs were withdrawn from circulation after it became clear that they were treated with dimethyl fumarate - a substance that can cause eczema. After learning the truth about his chair, the man put it in the garage, and his allergies and rashes gradually began to take place.
Source: fedpost.ru/lydi/43794-muzhchina-kupil-v-internete-kreslo-ubijcu.html