On the children's imagination and interesting harmonies
It is known that children are shy and have a rich imagination. For example, when I was a kid listening to the radio, it was certain that the "latest news" - this is the end of all the news that these - the last and that no more is known not to be. But an hour later they were passed over.
With boys we fought with sticks as swords, and I rapiroval their attacks. "Rapirovat" - the word "foil". And I corrected - not rapirovat and parry. Parry, the word "retorts"?
I knew that the name "Stalin" from the word "steel" and he was perplexed - and Lenin - from the word "lazy"? It was still mysterious word in the song about Stenka Razin: "And he embraced the mighty hand of Percy ankistan ..." Percy, of course, it's chest, but what is "ankistan"?
Then saw the printed text and realized that this - the camp persianki, Iranian princess, which forcibly took Razin married, and then drowned. Stenka then considered progressive and this terrible criminal song had to sing all the republics of the USSR, including decent Estonia, where I had the opportunity then to live.
I will never forget how the Estonian choir on stage powerfully Getting the word Volga Volga, Ema Jôgi - Volga-Volga, Mother dear ... I do not know in what condition are now Estonian-Iranian relations, but I think that on the diplomatic banquets this song really is not Bole sing.
My "ankistan", it turns out, has international counterparts. I'll tell you one by one. American writer Sylvia Wright, as a child, listening to Scottish ballad about the murdered young man, Earl of Murray, where were the words: They Slayed the Earl of Murrey and laid him on the green ... "that is," killed Earl Murray and laid on the grass " .
Sylvia Wright, shy girl with imaginative heard: They Slayed the Earl of Murrey and Lady Mondegreen. That is, not only struck Count Murray, but his companion, Lady Mondegrin.
Poor Lady Mondegrin! What a tragic and romantic death! This is the "mondegrin" became a household name for the wrong heard the words, usually in the songs.
For instance, the famous "mondegrin" is a hymn Gladly the Cross I'd Bear - «His cross willingly fall" which sounds like «Gladly the Cross-Eyed Bear» - «joyful, cross-eyed teddy bear ...»
Or the musical "Evita", the main theme is Do not cry for me Argentina was someone "zamondegrinena" in these words: Do not cry for me, Marge and Tina, where Marge - a diminutive of "Margarita".
There is a poem Tennyson's "Charge of the Light Cavalry" with the words «Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward,» - «Go to the floor-league forward half a league onward ..." which mondegrinovogo ear for sound as Haffely, Gaffely, Gaffely, Gonward. & quot;
Or Bob Dylan's song with the words «The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind -« My friend, the answer to your question brings wind "and" mondegrine »:" the ants are my friends , they're blowin 'in the wind. The ants are a'blowin in the wind - Ants - my friends and their wind blows ...
Remember the famous song "Troika» ?:
That's racing triple daring
Along the road pole,
And the bell, gift of Valdai,
Dull buzzing under the arc
On this occasion, Dostoevsky wrote in his diary:
"... Everyone knows three removed, it ... got into natural layers Russia ... But all sang as a gift Valdai darvaldaya, ie in the form of the verb depicting something Mota and ringing ... about all Mota and ringing - he can talk darvaldaet."
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