Scandinavian hardening, or why children in kindergartens sleep in the cold and do not stay home with a cold
In the eyes of some parents and grandparents kindergarten It's a very dangerous business. Especially in the winter. A child walks down a cold street! What if he catches a cold, slips, coughs and sneezes? How is it possible to release a child into the cold without three pairs of pants, four sweaters and a hat for fur? As a result, the baby risks sweating under all these layers of clothing and the use of such a walk will be very little.
But the Scandinavians are much easier on this issue. Recall that in those parts it is very cold, and in winter the frost is simply unbearable. And yet, no frus (an appeal to a woman in Sweden) would dress their child like cabbage. A regular jacket, pants without underpants and a hat. Okay. Next, let the immunity work. That's how they live.
For many years, Scandinavians have been used to hardening their children from an early age. And they don't see that as a problem. Excessive custody is not welcome in this regard, as every adult resident of Sweden, Denmark or Norway has personally experienced it. This is our kind grandmother can stop the child and ask, “Where is your hat, granddaughter?” It's exactly the opposite. Just think.
Kindergartens practice a day walk of children in kindergarten on the street, as we do. But if in our case, for example, with strong wind or snow, children are not released anywhere, then in Sweden such weather will only be happy. "Finally, fresh air." And no cancellations. Yes, at first, children, of course, will sniff and sneeze. But over time, their body will get used to such conditions and rebuild.
By the way, as everywhere, in Scandinavian schools and kindergartens there are medical centers. But even if the child does get sick, it is not customary to give him any serious medications. Especially antibiotics. No means of fighting the temperature. Because the child must overcome the disease himself, without external help. Of course, we are talking about the common cold. God forbid this attack will be more serious, all necessary measures will be taken immediately.
What can we say, if Scandinavian parents also practice hardening babies, yes! Residents of private homes put their children in strollers and let them sleep right outdoors. Naturally, when there is no snow or rain. Still, it's cold, isn't it? Oh, no, nothing. Chicky babies carefree sleep, even despite the low temperature and gain strength. And now remember how we do it: in a warm apartment, wrapped children are almost on hot batteries. They can still get sick. There are probably reasons for that.
What about social issues? It should be understood that the education system in Scandinavia is also quite peculiar. For example, children are given more freedom than their peers in our latitudes. There is no such thing as a teacher to you as a king and a god. This is what we call a “teacher call” when a change comes. How many times have students been left to sit at the desk after school? Yes, in principle, this is a common practice. But over there, the system works differently. Is there a change? Goodbye. Didn't you have time to tell the whole lesson? This is your mistake as a teacher. And children need to rest, their nervous system is not yet fully formed.
There are no fines in schools, as well as praise. There are no teacher favorites and local bullies. Of course, all children are different and this fact cannot be disputed. But teachers treat all children equally restrained, despite their academic performance and behavior. And we have always had sycophants who were ready to sing praises to the teacher for a higher assessment. And there was no shortage of fights. They have always been treated appropriately. Is that right or is it not?
It would seem that the upbringing of the child should be primarily engaged in parents? That's right, it's really their duty in the first place. And the Scandinavians show this by their own example. A child who pushes another child will not be judged or exposed to the entire class. This fact will not be widely publicized. The teacher will only contact the parents and let them decide the matter themselves. At school or kindergarten, we have a real show. With the headmaster, the parents to school and so on. Why all this? Maybe the children have already reconciled themselves.
So how can we not remember the “favorite” parent meetings? In some of our schools, they are practiced at least once every few months. Even if there's nothing to discuss. Can we talk about the upcoming school holiday? What about class performance? Or maybe we remember that we have curtains for more than six months, let’s skin and change them for some other? Indeed, it is just a gathering of adults, who are mostly talking about some general issues, nothing more.
For the average Norwegian, this would be a shock. What, why would I do all this? I am interested in my child and most of the information I learn from his digital diary. Why go out and waste your time? Of course, they also have these same parent meetings, but only if something is especially important. Like a walking contagious disease or something. But no curtains or coming holidays! Such issues are solved by the school and only on their own.
It must be about people. This is the system. Scandinavians treat their children in a special way. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Their social policies are different from many. Some even call it “real socialism.” No, they don’t wear posters or banners or shout slogans at every turn. The main thing for them is to ensure human rights and social prosperity. Everything else is basically nothing.
Spiritual life, political games and the rest of tinsel fade into the background. If a family has a stable income, confidence in the future, no one thinks about any special greatness in front of residents of other countries. It's just nobody wants it. And that's fine as hell. Who knows, maybe one day all the other countries will look at Scandinavia and draw conclusions for themselves. But so far, unfortunately, that has not happened. We can only hope for the best.
In the eyes of some parents and grandparents kindergarten It's a very dangerous business. Especially in the winter. A child walks down a cold street! What if he catches a cold, slips, coughs and sneezes? How is it possible to release a child into the cold without three pairs of pants, four sweaters and a hat for fur? As a result, the baby risks sweating under all these layers of clothing and the use of such a walk will be very little.

But the Scandinavians are much easier on this issue. Recall that in those parts it is very cold, and in winter the frost is simply unbearable. And yet, no frus (an appeal to a woman in Sweden) would dress their child like cabbage. A regular jacket, pants without underpants and a hat. Okay. Next, let the immunity work. That's how they live.
For many years, Scandinavians have been used to hardening their children from an early age. And they don't see that as a problem. Excessive custody is not welcome in this regard, as every adult resident of Sweden, Denmark or Norway has personally experienced it. This is our kind grandmother can stop the child and ask, “Where is your hat, granddaughter?” It's exactly the opposite. Just think.

Kindergartens practice a day walk of children in kindergarten on the street, as we do. But if in our case, for example, with strong wind or snow, children are not released anywhere, then in Sweden such weather will only be happy. "Finally, fresh air." And no cancellations. Yes, at first, children, of course, will sniff and sneeze. But over time, their body will get used to such conditions and rebuild.
By the way, as everywhere, in Scandinavian schools and kindergartens there are medical centers. But even if the child does get sick, it is not customary to give him any serious medications. Especially antibiotics. No means of fighting the temperature. Because the child must overcome the disease himself, without external help. Of course, we are talking about the common cold. God forbid this attack will be more serious, all necessary measures will be taken immediately.

What can we say, if Scandinavian parents also practice hardening babies, yes! Residents of private homes put their children in strollers and let them sleep right outdoors. Naturally, when there is no snow or rain. Still, it's cold, isn't it? Oh, no, nothing. Chicky babies carefree sleep, even despite the low temperature and gain strength. And now remember how we do it: in a warm apartment, wrapped children are almost on hot batteries. They can still get sick. There are probably reasons for that.
What about social issues? It should be understood that the education system in Scandinavia is also quite peculiar. For example, children are given more freedom than their peers in our latitudes. There is no such thing as a teacher to you as a king and a god. This is what we call a “teacher call” when a change comes. How many times have students been left to sit at the desk after school? Yes, in principle, this is a common practice. But over there, the system works differently. Is there a change? Goodbye. Didn't you have time to tell the whole lesson? This is your mistake as a teacher. And children need to rest, their nervous system is not yet fully formed.
There are no fines in schools, as well as praise. There are no teacher favorites and local bullies. Of course, all children are different and this fact cannot be disputed. But teachers treat all children equally restrained, despite their academic performance and behavior. And we have always had sycophants who were ready to sing praises to the teacher for a higher assessment. And there was no shortage of fights. They have always been treated appropriately. Is that right or is it not?

It would seem that the upbringing of the child should be primarily engaged in parents? That's right, it's really their duty in the first place. And the Scandinavians show this by their own example. A child who pushes another child will not be judged or exposed to the entire class. This fact will not be widely publicized. The teacher will only contact the parents and let them decide the matter themselves. At school or kindergarten, we have a real show. With the headmaster, the parents to school and so on. Why all this? Maybe the children have already reconciled themselves.
So how can we not remember the “favorite” parent meetings? In some of our schools, they are practiced at least once every few months. Even if there's nothing to discuss. Can we talk about the upcoming school holiday? What about class performance? Or maybe we remember that we have curtains for more than six months, let’s skin and change them for some other? Indeed, it is just a gathering of adults, who are mostly talking about some general issues, nothing more.

For the average Norwegian, this would be a shock. What, why would I do all this? I am interested in my child and most of the information I learn from his digital diary. Why go out and waste your time? Of course, they also have these same parent meetings, but only if something is especially important. Like a walking contagious disease or something. But no curtains or coming holidays! Such issues are solved by the school and only on their own.
It must be about people. This is the system. Scandinavians treat their children in a special way. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Their social policies are different from many. Some even call it “real socialism.” No, they don’t wear posters or banners or shout slogans at every turn. The main thing for them is to ensure human rights and social prosperity. Everything else is basically nothing.

Spiritual life, political games and the rest of tinsel fade into the background. If a family has a stable income, confidence in the future, no one thinks about any special greatness in front of residents of other countries. It's just nobody wants it. And that's fine as hell. Who knows, maybe one day all the other countries will look at Scandinavia and draw conclusions for themselves. But so far, unfortunately, that has not happened. We can only hope for the best.
Once a month, my mother brings home work coats and boils them in the old-fashioned way, everything would be fine, but somehow my husband caught her doing this job.
On our wedding anniversary, my husband and I decided to have a small party at home, everything was fine until my mother-in-law handed us her gift.