10 surprising facts about how animals sleep
Nature often able to surprise us no less than dreamers in Hollywood. Who would have thought that a horse, unlike elephants, do not sleep standing up, the Dolphins cut off half of the brain, and even sleeping swifts in flight! < Website describes how the animals sleep.
Horses h2> Contrary to popular belief, the modern domestic horses do not sleep standing up. Standing, they can only be in a state of some slumber. A full bed is a pastime can not be named. In order to dive in at the deep sleep, during which will relax both body and mind, a horse, of course, lie. More often than not on his side.
Dolphins h2> Dolphins, unlike other mammals, sleep is arranged in an interesting way. When it comes to recreation, dolphin disables only one hemisphere of the brain, closing the opposite eye. The other half of the brain at the time follows the surroundings, controls breathing and other basic physiological processes.
Giraffes h2> Perhaps one of the most interesting questions - it's like sleeping giraffes? Indeed, at first glance, with a long neck to get a vacation it is quite problematic. But the nature of all thought. Giraffes sleep, bending his neck so that his head was on the bottom of the rear limbs. The whole process of laying takes 15-20 seconds. Please giraffes sink to the chest and then in the stomach.
Whales h2> For a long time it was believed that whales sleep as well as dolphins - disabling one hemisphere alternately. But recent research scientists have shown that it is not. It turned out that whales sleep during short periods of rapid immersion in water. Thus, a clear allocation of days to sleep and waking them not. Whales "gain" for 10-15 minutes of sleep for several hours.
Penguins h2> As is the case with horses, There is a myth that penguins sleep standing up. This is certainly not the case, at least, not exactly. Firstly: the penguins in the world there are several types and many of them are sleeping in different ways. For example, gentoo penguin, and some other sleep as if they were not weak party yesterday. Well, just without the hind legs.
Hippos h2> Most hippos spend life in the water. Usually they are sleeping or in the shallows, holding the upper part of the head or completely immersed in water. In the latter case, hippopotamus reflex resurfacing every 3-5 minutes to inhale. However, they did not even wake up.
Protein h2> It is often said that squirrels are sleeping, wrapped in a ponytail. Not that it was not so, but rather a part of the truth. Indeed proteins in this respect, similar to many other animals, they sleep as will fall. Just as we are. Sometimes they wrap themselves in the tail, and sometimes like the penguins returning from partying.
Elephants h2> To begin with, there is the African and Indian elephants, and they sleep in different ways. African often sleep standing up, leaning sideways against a tree trunk, or around his trunk. This is due to the fact that African elephants are afraid of overheating of the body is too hot soil. If the land is not too hot, they can sleep on the living, tucked his feet under him, or on his side.
Opossums h2> More some animals that refute the myths about their own dreams - it opossums. Yes, they have a very strong tail, yes, they can hang on it upside down on a tree branch, but they do not sleep in this position. Generally, opossums - nocturnal animals during the day they rest, sleep, and after dark, go for prey. Sleep opossums many, sometimes up to 18-20 hours per day. To do this, they are located on a tree branch, or curled up in a hollow, and other shelters.
Swifts h2> Swifts are known for their records. This is one of the fastest-flying birds, and certainly the longest flying birds. Swift may be in the flight up to 4 years. All the while, the bird eats, drinks, sleeps and even mates fly. Young swift, first raised in the air, can fly up to 500 thousand kilometers before the first landing.