How to Prevent Conflict in Kindergarten
Sending a child to kindergarten is a necessity. Here the child not only has a good time, communicating with peers, but also learns the regime, becomes more disciplined and independent. And communication with other adults (besides relatives) teaches the child to build relationships in society.
With no choice, parents are forced to send kindergartenBut are they at peace? After all, even in such a safe place, the child is waiting for many dangers: clashes with peers, bullying from teachers, useless classes, loss of personal belongings ...
And today's edition. "Site" will tell about a simple way for parents to control the state and behavior of their beloved child in kindergarten, to do business with a calm soul. It's about video surveillance. It is not clear why this method of control is so opposed in educational institutions.
The ability to see what a child does at any time is the dream of many generations of parents. And only now has this become a reality in many preschools. At the same time, the parent himself is enough to stock up on a computer or an ordinary smartphone.
As a result, mom and dad can always watch their child. They see how he communicates with others, whether he behaves disciplinedly, how comfortable he is in kindergarten. Also admire the child can, say, grandparents or other close people who receive such access from parents.
In addition, video surveillance stimulates teachers to perform their duties qualitatively. It is no secret that the work of many teachers leaves much to be desired. And kindergarten They help to avoid any abuse of the child.
It often happens that, taking the baby in the evening from the kindergarten, parents find fresh abrasions or scratches. And sometimes it is impossible to know whether the child fell or who hit him.
But to get a clear explanation from the child especially the younger group is almost impossible. And teachers in such cases either did not see anything, or simply do not admit. But with cameras, finding out the truth becomes much easier.
Parents do not need to constantly look at the monitor. kindergarten. But in case of controversial situations, the video can always be removed from the archive, view and find out who is right.
With video surveillance, each party will feel responsible for their actions. In addition, this will not limit good teachers, because they will also be able to use video if the child behaves inappropriately. Theft and damage to personal belongings, whether toys or clothing, will be minimized.
The law is on the side of parents who require cameras to equip kindergartens. However, the management and teachers of many institutions, taking advantage of the lack of places in preschool institutions, often simply dismiss, they say, “don’t believe us – look for another kindergarten.” But can you trust the word of unfamiliar people when it comes to the comfort and safety of a child?
With no choice, parents are forced to send kindergartenBut are they at peace? After all, even in such a safe place, the child is waiting for many dangers: clashes with peers, bullying from teachers, useless classes, loss of personal belongings ...

And today's edition. "Site" will tell about a simple way for parents to control the state and behavior of their beloved child in kindergarten, to do business with a calm soul. It's about video surveillance. It is not clear why this method of control is so opposed in educational institutions.

The ability to see what a child does at any time is the dream of many generations of parents. And only now has this become a reality in many preschools. At the same time, the parent himself is enough to stock up on a computer or an ordinary smartphone.

As a result, mom and dad can always watch their child. They see how he communicates with others, whether he behaves disciplinedly, how comfortable he is in kindergarten. Also admire the child can, say, grandparents or other close people who receive such access from parents.
In addition, video surveillance stimulates teachers to perform their duties qualitatively. It is no secret that the work of many teachers leaves much to be desired. And kindergarten They help to avoid any abuse of the child.

It often happens that, taking the baby in the evening from the kindergarten, parents find fresh abrasions or scratches. And sometimes it is impossible to know whether the child fell or who hit him.
But to get a clear explanation from the child especially the younger group is almost impossible. And teachers in such cases either did not see anything, or simply do not admit. But with cameras, finding out the truth becomes much easier.

Parents do not need to constantly look at the monitor. kindergarten. But in case of controversial situations, the video can always be removed from the archive, view and find out who is right.
With video surveillance, each party will feel responsible for their actions. In addition, this will not limit good teachers, because they will also be able to use video if the child behaves inappropriately. Theft and damage to personal belongings, whether toys or clothing, will be minimized.

The law is on the side of parents who require cameras to equip kindergartens. However, the management and teachers of many institutions, taking advantage of the lack of places in preschool institutions, often simply dismiss, they say, “don’t believe us – look for another kindergarten.” But can you trust the word of unfamiliar people when it comes to the comfort and safety of a child?