Star Wars, Episode infinite

"Death Star" was truly enormous. On its background even lost many kilometers of battleships, not to mention about the imperial shuttle.
- Finally! - Happily said Emperor - the most destructive weapon in the galaxy now belongs to me! Can not wait to explore this magnificent battle station inside ...
Vader and Tarkin were morose and silent and tried not to look at his master. Hangar gates swung open, letting the shuttle inside ... inside the largest facilities in the galaxy of the rails and the foil. Under the foil was no reactors or Superlaser or hangars with fighters or garrison - no one at all and there is nothing more than a few million cubic kilometers of vacuum. "Death Star" was empty. Expression of delight slowly slid off the face of the Emperor.
- What is it ?!
Vader instead of answering drawl gave up wheezing and Tarkin said quietly:
- We had no experience of such a big building, so maybe some more work required completion ...
- We are all considered together and shared! - Angrily interrupted the Emperor - and I made it clear that he was ready to close my eyes a lot, the benefit we are all sinners, but the station still need to build. You agreed. And what is the result? Estimates exceeded eight times, and instead superweapon you did a bubble! What were you thinking ?! This is not some kind of a dam, a project obschegalakticheskogo value! Fifteen sikstilliardov loans in vain!
- Not for nothing! - Offended hissed Vader - Of course, the station in the planned volume we have not built, but the money has become Keynesian multiplier ...
- Could not have done Keynesian multiplier thirteen sikstilliardov, and the remaining two to build the station ?!
- We did ... But the rest down the chain so too did. As a result, when it came down to it, the remaining funds have been just enough to hire an Ewok, and they did not have the experience of building in a vacuum.
- But how are you able to destroy Alderaan this thing ?!
- Well ... For a fee alderaantsy agreed to be destroyed. It cost even cheaper than destroy really.
- A rebel ?! How do we overcome them without the "Death Star»?
- I think that the old methods will work just as well. For every rebel accounting for 200,000 stormtroopers, so it can handle. In addition, we have not only attack aircraft. Tarkin organized an information counter-insurgency.
- It's like?
- Well, we came up with Leia Organa in Impernete call Leia piano.
- What kind of nonsense?
- Well, the Authority - the piano. There is version of indecent ...
- I do not want to listen! Speaking of Imperneta - you thought it would be, if someone sgolografiruet inside is your shame and posted on the Web? Scandal in the entire galaxy!
- Past the care of our mouse does not slip ... - began Vader, but he realized that it is not necessary to continue. Tarkin thought.
- Perhaps you're right, Your Majesty. From this it is necessary to get rid of compromising dvuhsotkilometrovogo quickly. Blow it up and say that this is the result of insurgent attacks.
- Good idea! - Supported his companion Vader - Then you can immediately start the construction of a second "Death Star»!
- Much more than the first!
Emperor scared face contorted with rage. He stretched out his arms, which were ready to be broken zipper, and a gruff voice said:
- You two unscrupulous scoundrel, pilfered money, which could lead to the prosperity of thousands of planets, and hope that I will not only leave you without punishment, but will steal even more? !!! I, ruler of the galaxy? !!!
- Yes.
- Okay. Waiting for a preliminary plan for a couple of weeks.

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