Paranormal and eerie phenomena

September 18, 1938 in Yamal happened so far received no scientific explanation for the phenomenon - the peninsula sank total darkness. Today we remember the five most feared natural phenomena recorded in the world
1. "Black Day" in Yamal
Exactly 75 years ago, Soviet geologists working on the Yamal Peninsula, became an involuntary witness of this "black day" in the history of the area. Fell to the ground band width total darkness about two hundred to two hundred and fifty meters; while the dark area also moved from west to east and soon captured the Gulf of Ob. In addition to all of the peninsula in a moment silenced all radio stations; geologists, nor tried, could not find the air of any working station. Then the scientists tried to unravel the origin of unexplained phenomena and launched into the air a few flares. It turned out that the sky is dragged unusually dense clouds that did not miss a grain of sunlight, with no ashes or any other particle, alluding to the fact of what can be so dense clouds near the ground was not observed. Eclipse lasted for an hour, after which the darkness dissipated itself.
2. "Bloody rain" in India

A few weeks Indian land filled bloody rains.
Photo: omg.kg
A month residents of the Indian state of Kerala could experience firsthand this Egyptian penalty for which is known to all the water in an instant turned into blood. A few weeks Indian land filled bloody rains, resulting in a real horror of all observed this phenomenon of local residents. Almost at the same time there have been several versions explaining the "bloody" natural disaster, to the point that some residents sought its origins in alien activity and visit the land of unidentified flying objects. In fact, the culprit turned out to be no less horrific natural disaster - a waterspout, which sucked from the local water disputes red algae, mixed them with rainwater in a frightening cocktail and brought down on the heads of unsuspecting Indians.
3. Deadly mist in England

In 1952, Londoners had to go through some really terrible days.
Photo: bashny.net
Full water mist, a few meters hides all surrounding objects, for the English has long been familiar: no wonder because Britain is called "foggy Albion". But from time to time visited the British capital is quite different, black mist that is capable of killing people. In 1873 a fog increased mortality inhabitants of the British capital immediately by forty percent, and in 1880 the fog took with him more than ten thousand lives. Last deadly "guest" visited London in 1952: the fog enveloped the capital brought with him a cold and forced residents in droves to flood the coal furnace. At the same time trams were replaced by diesel buses, and many researchers believe that the unusual color of the fog and its harmful properties were caused by strong concentration formed after the combustion of coal and diesel particles. However, the Londoners went through some really terrible days: black mist crept even indoors, even to breathe through the gauze bandage was almost impossible to move around and could only holding hands on the wall.
4. maddening buzz in America

The cause of the low-frequency hum, which leads mad Taos residents, scientists are not able to find so far.
Photo: ok.ya1.ru
In 1991, residents of Taos County in the US state of New Mexico have complained to the authorities on a strange low frequency hum that haunts them day and night. According to the Americans, the buzz resembles the sound with which heavy machinery is moving on the highway, that's just no major highways in the area do not. Unusually still that strange hum is heard only by locals and rarely - visitors. The district has repeatedly conducted various studies, but discover the source of incessant hum and failed.
But New Mexico - is not the only place where people hear a strange rumble istochnk which can not be found. Similar phenomena have been recorded in different parts of the world - in England, Scotland, America, Australia. And the right to a buzzing sound just distract people from their work, but many say its negative impact on both the physical and mental condition of the person. On a recognition of the "victims" hum, their covers terrible excitement, a sense of powerlessness, many because of this, can not sleep at night, experience pain, nausea, dizziness, and sometimes a person can go a nosebleed. Sometimes it comes even to suicide.
5. Fireballs in Thailand

Thai people ascribe the origin of these balls snake-like mythical creatures.
Photo: s-thai.ru
His paranormal Buddhists observe each year for many centuries now. Every autumn, at the end of Buddhist Lent on the Mekong River in Thailand, there are so-called "Naga fireballs" - clusters of reddish light that rise from the depths of the water, hang over the river at a height of ten to twenty meters and disappear. Locals attribute their origin snake-like mythical creatures that symbolize wisdom. However, the scientists in this respect as there is always a personal opinion: they believe that the fireballs are not other than the bubbles of methane. However, confirmation of this version is still no.
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