Photographs of the USSR
September 1, 2013 in one of the Samara school photo exhibition "Three Centuries of discipleship." It was presented in black-and-white photos covering various aspects of school life. I suggest you look at the kids school pictures restored 1930-1960-ies. As is well known engineering and science were then held in high esteem. In modern - technology lesson, then - just work
Practice of Electrical
Asa radio
Installation Radio. Special course "Radio»
Practice shipyard
Practical training in physics
This picture is a unique composition of its members. Of the six commission members Admission final exam on the history of the Soviet Union in 1954 - four are honored school teacher of the RSFSR, and two - the Excellence in Education of the USSR, all order bearers, five - participants of the Great Patriotic War.
Source: sandy-sky.livejournal.com

Practice of Electrical

Asa radio

Installation Radio. Special course "Radio»

Practice shipyard

Practical training in physics

This picture is a unique composition of its members. Of the six commission members Admission final exam on the history of the Soviet Union in 1954 - four are honored school teacher of the RSFSR, and two - the Excellence in Education of the USSR, all order bearers, five - participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Source: sandy-sky.livejournal.com