10 best books about time travel

1. "The Door into Summer" Robert Heinlein
The hero of the novel "The Door into Summer", a talented inventor Daniel Dzvisom, something happens: it betrayed the closest people - a companion and a young bride. After losing all his money and labor of love, with the help of Daniel suspended animation goes forward thirty years into the future, there to start all over again ...
2. "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger
They met when she was six, and he was thirty-six. They married when she was twenty-three, and he was thirty-one. Because Henry suffers from a rare genetic disease - a syndrome of time travel; its disappearance from the life of Claire unpredictable appearance - comic, tragic and traumatic time. For the first time in Russian - the incredible story of incredible love, striking bestseller Audrey Niffenegger.
3. "The House That Jack Built" Robert Asprin
This - World Time Station Shangri-La. A world in which from epoch to epoch shlyayutsya boobs tourists, and norovyaschie violate the "principle of butterflies." A world in which professional guides - "scouts time" - was worth cursing his vile work for try and at least keep up with gaping gourmet capable fail, along with psevdorimskim sausage tray at the bottom of sudden prehistoric ocean!
4. "Somewhere in Time" by Richard Matheson
Young writer Richard Collier, accidentally saw an old photo of Eliza McKenna, once famous actress, suddenly falls in love with her. In a desperate effort to connect with the object of his passion, he begins to study archival materials about Eliza and learns that in 1896 it happened something strange in the same hotel where he now stood. Richard decides to mental effort to crack a temporary barrier and penetrate into 1896 to meet the woman of his dreams. But how their love can fit into a serene period of time?
5. "The House on the" Daphne Du Maurier
"House on the" - perhaps the best novel by Daphne Du Maurier, author of exciting romantic thriller, each of which guarantees the reader a sleepless night. Here are facing two realities separated by a chasm in six hundred years. On the one hand - a medieval Cornwall, lovely lady and her lover. On the other - our contemporary, is also hopelessly in love, and therefore capable of reckless acts. Events are developing rapidly in two planes, while not dramatic denouement brings them together.
6. "Between Two Times" Jack Finney
None of us are destined to witness the world of the past century. And Simon Morley, the hero of the novel Finney did, and more than once. He had the opportunity to compare the two eras, to judge the pros and cons of each of them based on personal experience.
7. "The door №3» Patrick O'Leary
"During the year I was able to fall in love with the alien, solve the mystery of forgotten dreams, save the Earth and commit suicide ...»
This statement of Dr. Donnelly sounds a bit pompous, but it's true - every word. Simply, there are worlds and worlds and doors connecting them. Doors madness, insight, magic, enlightenment. And when the doors open - the game is on a completely different, unfamiliar rules ...
8. "Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell
"Cloud Atlas" is like a mirror maze, which echo layering on top of each other, six votes: notary mid-nineteenth century, returning to the US from Australia; the young composer, who was forced to sell your body and soul in Europe between the world wars; journalist in California 1970, disclosing corporate conspiracy; small publishers - our contemporary, managed to break the bank at a gangster's autobiography "Blow brass knuckles" and running from creditors; clone-workers of fast food in Korea - a country of victorious cyberpunk; goatherd and Hawaiian sunset civilization.
9. "The Time Tunnel" Harry Harrison
What would happen if ... Many people asked this question, but Harry Harrison knows the answer. Worlds created by his imagination, always has a stunning realism and indestructible internal logic, so when he invites us to imagine that Atlantis existed in nature, or, for example, Columbus never opened America - I want to believe that the way it was at the really!
10. "arrow of time" Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton is considered to be not only a master, but also one of the founders of the modern techno-thriller - a genre in which fiction is organically combined with intense storyline, psychological authenticity and scientific thoroughness. "The arrow of time" - is not only a novel about a rescue mission to the distant past, not only the test of modern man on the strength of the cruel world of the Middle Ages. It is also a ballad about moral values, which mankind has preserved throughout its history.