Baby elephant
Rejected elephant
Immediately after the birth of this little elephant refused his mother.
He cried as much as 5 hours, but thanks to the efforts of people it has acquired an incentive to life and survived!
Very touching photos.
Kindergarten for orphaned elephants
Extremely rare footage slonёnka albino, frolicking in the park wildlife in Africa
In the Safari Park of England was born the first elephant
The two-day elephant
Poems about CS
"Sadistic poems"
Photos of young animals from around the world
Elephant is stuck in a ditch
Extra children
Ferrets in the house is not boring
Curious elephant in trouble
Price circus spectacles
Elephant in search of family
As elephants are trained
This was the first time a baby elephant on the beach. What was he doing there, spread throughout the world!
Animals and their babies
Leo Babauta: WHAT to DO When the irritation begins to command
Little baby elephant playing ribbon in the reserve. My heart melted ...
Animals in the womb
Children and animals
While a small elephant
Being rejected by her mother, a newborn elephant cried 5:00
Newborn elephant
8 coolest photos of animals from the community «National Geographic»
Kindergarten for orphaned elephants
Extremely rare footage slonёnka albino, frolicking in the park wildlife in Africa
In the Safari Park of England was born the first elephant
The two-day elephant
Poems about CS
"Sadistic poems"
Photos of young animals from around the world
Elephant is stuck in a ditch
Extra children
Ferrets in the house is not boring
Curious elephant in trouble
Price circus spectacles
Elephant in search of family
As elephants are trained
This was the first time a baby elephant on the beach. What was he doing there, spread throughout the world!
Animals and their babies
Leo Babauta: WHAT to DO When the irritation begins to command
Little baby elephant playing ribbon in the reserve. My heart melted ...
Animals in the womb
Children and animals
While a small elephant
Being rejected by her mother, a newborn elephant cried 5:00
Newborn elephant
8 coolest photos of animals from the community «National Geographic»
Bulldogs junior
Extreme Photo