Russian Knights vs. Chinese dragons
The past decade, China is called "the third pole of global confrontation", as for innovation and industrial and economic status Celestial could compete with such giants as the US and Russia.
More recently, the Chinese Air Force conducted a successful test of the newest based fighter J-10 "Swift Dragon", thereby confirming not only the reality of creating your own aircraft carrier fleet, but also the ability to independently produce carrier-based fighter. This event can be regarded as a direct challenge to Russia and the United States.
Although to our yellow-skinned brothers have spoken, but in the development of the aircraft structure and the active involvement of Russian advisers from TsAGI and OKB "MiG". In addition, these fighters are used AL-31F engine of MMPP "Salut", which is part of United Engine Corporation (UEC), and she, in turn, belongs to the numerous assets of state corporation Rostec.
The existence of the J-10 aircraft carefully concealed, and only in 2006 the project was declassified. Initially, the Chinese tried to create this fighter yourself. But it soon became clear that such a complex problem they can solve only in cooperation with foreign counterparts, owning modern technologies. So in the late 1980s - early 1990s to participate in designing the J-10 were recruited by Russian specialists.
It is considered that the Chinese have always copied technique with foreign models, yet the J-10 could be called an exception to the rules. You can not say about the aircraft J-11, which is considered a modified copy of our Su-27.
Now, "Dragon" is ready to appear in public! For the first time it will be shown this year, one of the largest international Me? MAKS-2013, which is traditionally held in Zhukovsky near Moscow. This Aerospace Exhibition we organize every two years since 1993, but in 2013 there will be a record number of participating countries.
Planned a great program, but despite the great emphasis that I do on the Chinese, the focus will be on the "Russian Knights" at the helm of the Su-35cm, which according to the developers, the only one in the world can perform unique aerobatics, the name of which I do not I know, but you can see them here. This is an excellent opportunity to test their strength and an example to our competitors. It's time to find out who is stronger - Russian or Chinese Dragon Knight! Although I must confess that in the skill of our pilots can not be doubted.
Source: a-poli.livejournal.com

More recently, the Chinese Air Force conducted a successful test of the newest based fighter J-10 "Swift Dragon", thereby confirming not only the reality of creating your own aircraft carrier fleet, but also the ability to independently produce carrier-based fighter. This event can be regarded as a direct challenge to Russia and the United States.

Although to our yellow-skinned brothers have spoken, but in the development of the aircraft structure and the active involvement of Russian advisers from TsAGI and OKB "MiG". In addition, these fighters are used AL-31F engine of MMPP "Salut", which is part of United Engine Corporation (UEC), and she, in turn, belongs to the numerous assets of state corporation Rostec.

The existence of the J-10 aircraft carefully concealed, and only in 2006 the project was declassified. Initially, the Chinese tried to create this fighter yourself. But it soon became clear that such a complex problem they can solve only in cooperation with foreign counterparts, owning modern technologies. So in the late 1980s - early 1990s to participate in designing the J-10 were recruited by Russian specialists.

It is considered that the Chinese have always copied technique with foreign models, yet the J-10 could be called an exception to the rules. You can not say about the aircraft J-11, which is considered a modified copy of our Su-27.

Now, "Dragon" is ready to appear in public! For the first time it will be shown this year, one of the largest international Me? MAKS-2013, which is traditionally held in Zhukovsky near Moscow. This Aerospace Exhibition we organize every two years since 1993, but in 2013 there will be a record number of participating countries.

Planned a great program, but despite the great emphasis that I do on the Chinese, the focus will be on the "Russian Knights" at the helm of the Su-35cm, which according to the developers, the only one in the world can perform unique aerobatics, the name of which I do not I know, but you can see them here. This is an excellent opportunity to test their strength and an example to our competitors. It's time to find out who is stronger - Russian or Chinese Dragon Knight! Although I must confess that in the skill of our pilots can not be doubted.

Source: a-poli.livejournal.com