Spider sculpture Maman in Tokyo
Spider Maman - the famous figure of an insect, set in one of the central areas of Tokyo - Roppongi, one of the most important attractions of the city.
The height of the figure is 10 meters, its author - Louise Bourgeois. Sculpture was established in 2002.
According to one version, the sculpture depicts a spider arachnoid bag with eggs and symbolizes motherhood and caring for children. On the other hand, the spider represents numerous international connections which established Japan with cities around the world.
The author of the work - a famous sculptor Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010) - united in its creation elements of many trends in contemporary art - abstract art, Cubism, Futurism, Surrealism and Constructivism.
As she says Louise, she was very friendly with his mother, who was a weaver. So was born a very unusual and interesting way.
We know that spiders have always enjoyed special attention in the work of Louise - among her works can be seen spiders made of rubber, wood, stone, metal, fabrics ... But the pinnacle of her work was precisely Maman.
Source: www.rutraveller.ru

The height of the figure is 10 meters, its author - Louise Bourgeois. Sculpture was established in 2002.

According to one version, the sculpture depicts a spider arachnoid bag with eggs and symbolizes motherhood and caring for children. On the other hand, the spider represents numerous international connections which established Japan with cities around the world.

The author of the work - a famous sculptor Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010) - united in its creation elements of many trends in contemporary art - abstract art, Cubism, Futurism, Surrealism and Constructivism.

As she says Louise, she was very friendly with his mother, who was a weaver. So was born a very unusual and interesting way.

We know that spiders have always enjoyed special attention in the work of Louise - among her works can be seen spiders made of rubber, wood, stone, metal, fabrics ... But the pinnacle of her work was precisely Maman.

Source: www.rutraveller.ru