Top unlucky people on the planet
You think that you are unlucky and everything badly? Believe me, it is not. In this collection we show you on this unlucky people. Although if they managed to survive so many tests can not so they are unlucky?
American who has managed to be robbed, stabbed in the chest with a knife, while two bitten by snakes and struck by lightning.
American John Wade Agan came to the attention of journalists in 2011, when it was struck by lightning while he was talking on landline phone at home in Florida. As it turned out, before 47-year-old Agana was another interesting case: American robbed right in his car (John worked as a taxi driver) and locked in the trunk. In 2008, the year Agan experienced deep stab wound to the chest, and in 2009, he said, pounced on him and bite just two snakes. Well, if that's true, John rightly can compete with its English namesake for the nickname "Man-disaster».
Japanese affected by the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
August 6, 1945-year Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on matters related to the work. He was going to leave the city and was already on the way, when suddenly remembered that I forgot to put down one print formally allows him to travel. Yamaguchi returned to the office, and then hurried away from Hiroshima. When he came out of the tram, about three miles from it exploded, "The Kid" - Americans dumped nuclear charge. With the explosion in Tsutomu burst eardrums, for a while it is almost completely blind and suffered serious burns. After spending the night in the shelter, the Japanese went home ... in Nagasaki. A few days later Yamaguchi was sitting in the office of his boss and told of the horrors he experienced during the bombing of Hiroshima. Just at the same time, the United States dropped a second bomb, "Fat Man". The epicenter was also about three miles from the building, but this time the Japanese almost hurt. Tsutomu Yamaguchi died in Nagasaki native of stomach cancer in 2010, the year.
Ocean liner stewardess, survived the crash on the "Britannica", "Olympic" and "Titanic»
Violet Jessop in 1911, the year survived the crash of one of the most luxurious ocean liners of that time, "Olympic" 23-year-old flight attendant working on it until the huge ship collided with an armored cruiser "Hawke" around the Isle of Wight. "Olympic" was a huge hole, but the captain managed to keep the ship afloat, and passengers and most of the staff, including Miss Jessop, were evacuated. For many it remains an unexpected event ended successfully, but the story Violet had just begun. A year later, she boarded another ship company «White Star Line» («Olympic" it belonged to her), perhaps the most famous ship in the world - "Titanic". About the sad stories now the whole world knows, and the stewardess Jessop was among the passengers who managed to escape from the ship to the lifeboat. During the First World War Violet Jessop served as a flight attendant on a floating hospital "Britannicus" (coincidentally also belonged «White Star Line»). In the Aegean Sea, near the island of Kea, the ship struck a mine and sank immediately, as almost all the windows were open. Tenacious flight attendant was able to get out of the ship and avoid death by screws "Britannica". After the third wreck it for many years worked as a flight attendant and died of heart failure in 1971.
Women, who hit five hurricanes
American Melanie Martinez knows them inside out: Betsy Huang, George, Katrina and Isaac. This is not the names of friends, and the names of hurricanes that have consistently destroyed house Melanie in chronological order: in 1965, according to Louisiana, where Martinez still lives, past "Betsy", in 1985 it was a hurricane "Juan" in 1998 it was the turn "George" and the infamous "Katrina" was raging in 2005. In 2012, the history of American women interested in the well-known American reality show «Hideous Houses» (channel A & E), which allocated $ 20 thousand for repairs, but the fate of the fool failed: only a few months after the completion of construction work "visit" to Melanie looked hurricane the first category "Isaac." Woman refuses to leave their homes, she said in an interview: "I was born here. This is my house ».
A resident of Florida, which stung by a rattlesnake, was struck by lightning, and then bitten by a shark
Eric Norrie is no stranger to the unlikely event he nearly died in a shark attack, and to communicate with him told journalists that earlier it was struck by lightning and bitten by a rattlesnake. July 29, 2013-year Norrie vacationing in the Bahamas and was fascinated by underwater hunting, when the shark swam up to him and grabbed a piece of leg. In-law Eric, who was nearby, helped him fight off predator and reach the shore, where he managed to provide quality medical care. In the words of Eric, he's not the first time is in an extreme situation, but always tries to keep his presence of mind.
The Briton, who survived in 16 accidents
54-year-old John Lyne compatriots was referred to as "John-disaster" and is considered the most unlucky person in the UK. The Briton is also known as the man managed to get in two accidents at the same time: as a child he fell off the wagon and he was immediately moved to a delivery van. As a teenager, John fell from a tree and broke his arm, and, when he drove out of the hospital, the bus crashed, and Leon was again broken arm - in another place, and they say that it happened on Friday the 13th. In 2006, Englishman once again riveted the attention of the press, collapsed at work in one of the hatches (he is an employee of one of the large industrial enterprises). Journalists estimated that Lyne in my entire life 16 times found himself in a variety of deadly history, including a collapse in the mine, lightning and a three car accident.
Source: www.liveinternet.ru
American who has managed to be robbed, stabbed in the chest with a knife, while two bitten by snakes and struck by lightning.

American John Wade Agan came to the attention of journalists in 2011, when it was struck by lightning while he was talking on landline phone at home in Florida. As it turned out, before 47-year-old Agana was another interesting case: American robbed right in his car (John worked as a taxi driver) and locked in the trunk. In 2008, the year Agan experienced deep stab wound to the chest, and in 2009, he said, pounced on him and bite just two snakes. Well, if that's true, John rightly can compete with its English namesake for the nickname "Man-disaster».
Japanese affected by the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

August 6, 1945-year Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on matters related to the work. He was going to leave the city and was already on the way, when suddenly remembered that I forgot to put down one print formally allows him to travel. Yamaguchi returned to the office, and then hurried away from Hiroshima. When he came out of the tram, about three miles from it exploded, "The Kid" - Americans dumped nuclear charge. With the explosion in Tsutomu burst eardrums, for a while it is almost completely blind and suffered serious burns. After spending the night in the shelter, the Japanese went home ... in Nagasaki. A few days later Yamaguchi was sitting in the office of his boss and told of the horrors he experienced during the bombing of Hiroshima. Just at the same time, the United States dropped a second bomb, "Fat Man". The epicenter was also about three miles from the building, but this time the Japanese almost hurt. Tsutomu Yamaguchi died in Nagasaki native of stomach cancer in 2010, the year.
Ocean liner stewardess, survived the crash on the "Britannica", "Olympic" and "Titanic»

Violet Jessop in 1911, the year survived the crash of one of the most luxurious ocean liners of that time, "Olympic" 23-year-old flight attendant working on it until the huge ship collided with an armored cruiser "Hawke" around the Isle of Wight. "Olympic" was a huge hole, but the captain managed to keep the ship afloat, and passengers and most of the staff, including Miss Jessop, were evacuated. For many it remains an unexpected event ended successfully, but the story Violet had just begun. A year later, she boarded another ship company «White Star Line» («Olympic" it belonged to her), perhaps the most famous ship in the world - "Titanic". About the sad stories now the whole world knows, and the stewardess Jessop was among the passengers who managed to escape from the ship to the lifeboat. During the First World War Violet Jessop served as a flight attendant on a floating hospital "Britannicus" (coincidentally also belonged «White Star Line»). In the Aegean Sea, near the island of Kea, the ship struck a mine and sank immediately, as almost all the windows were open. Tenacious flight attendant was able to get out of the ship and avoid death by screws "Britannica". After the third wreck it for many years worked as a flight attendant and died of heart failure in 1971.
Women, who hit five hurricanes

American Melanie Martinez knows them inside out: Betsy Huang, George, Katrina and Isaac. This is not the names of friends, and the names of hurricanes that have consistently destroyed house Melanie in chronological order: in 1965, according to Louisiana, where Martinez still lives, past "Betsy", in 1985 it was a hurricane "Juan" in 1998 it was the turn "George" and the infamous "Katrina" was raging in 2005. In 2012, the history of American women interested in the well-known American reality show «Hideous Houses» (channel A & E), which allocated $ 20 thousand for repairs, but the fate of the fool failed: only a few months after the completion of construction work "visit" to Melanie looked hurricane the first category "Isaac." Woman refuses to leave their homes, she said in an interview: "I was born here. This is my house ».
A resident of Florida, which stung by a rattlesnake, was struck by lightning, and then bitten by a shark

Eric Norrie is no stranger to the unlikely event he nearly died in a shark attack, and to communicate with him told journalists that earlier it was struck by lightning and bitten by a rattlesnake. July 29, 2013-year Norrie vacationing in the Bahamas and was fascinated by underwater hunting, when the shark swam up to him and grabbed a piece of leg. In-law Eric, who was nearby, helped him fight off predator and reach the shore, where he managed to provide quality medical care. In the words of Eric, he's not the first time is in an extreme situation, but always tries to keep his presence of mind.
The Briton, who survived in 16 accidents

54-year-old John Lyne compatriots was referred to as "John-disaster" and is considered the most unlucky person in the UK. The Briton is also known as the man managed to get in two accidents at the same time: as a child he fell off the wagon and he was immediately moved to a delivery van. As a teenager, John fell from a tree and broke his arm, and, when he drove out of the hospital, the bus crashed, and Leon was again broken arm - in another place, and they say that it happened on Friday the 13th. In 2006, Englishman once again riveted the attention of the press, collapsed at work in one of the hatches (he is an employee of one of the large industrial enterprises). Journalists estimated that Lyne in my entire life 16 times found himself in a variety of deadly history, including a collapse in the mine, lightning and a three car accident.
Source: www.liveinternet.ru