Shortologiya about the movie in the project magazine «H-57"
More than a year ago, we introduced you to the project from the popular avant-garde magazine «H-57", which depicted the life of the great icons in the people of the past. And here, another piece of icons.
The main focus of a selection is made on the film industry. You will see a number of popular films in the pictograms. However, the post left was too short. Therefore, we have decided to dilute it a little more with a little overhang persons and other subjects. Generally, for these incomplete and a half years, the studio and the magazine «H-57" was a lot of that perspective. Most importantly, a group of associates released a book titled «Shortology». In addition, in parallel with the presentation of the book took place the exhibition.
The main focus of a selection is made on the film industry. You will see a number of popular films in the pictograms. However, the post left was too short. Therefore, we have decided to dilute it a little more with a little overhang persons and other subjects. Generally, for these incomplete and a half years, the studio and the magazine «H-57" was a lot of that perspective. Most importantly, a group of associates released a book titled «Shortology». In addition, in parallel with the presentation of the book took place the exhibition.