Original design tables, examples
Yes, for all occasions, they are unlikely to be suitable. But for the most usual situations - entirely. Your attention examples of original designs with ordinary objects, like a table.
Gregory de Laforrest (Gregroire de Laforrest) calls himself an architect and interior designer. We offer you develop it as a hybrid of the table and birdcage. If you have a home feathered pet, this table will save you space and make your bird always closer to you. Although glass bulb on top and looks a bit blasphemous.
The following concept was created by the Amsterdam collaboration of three designers who produce their products under a single brand «Fraaiheid». This conceptual table convertible was the original name of «+ table». There is a view that the product may be of a large conference table to turn into a small table and a stool. Another feature of the table is its fasteners. For the assembly does not need any locks. Yes, and the table is made without nails or screws. All exclusively on slots and thorns.
Another original development on the theme of Transforming tables - kitchen table from the German designer Daniel Liss (Daniel Liss). His concept of the usual kitchen table, by simple action turns into a desktop. Six seats for the meal, can turn quickly enough to the workplace for two, with a stand and drawers.
Finally, we have more finesse in its purest form. Glass tables from Brooklyn studio «Marius Myking Studio». Its founder is the Norwegian Vidar Coswick, which many people know it as a glassblower. The project involved a team of like-minded people, and all proceeds from the sale go to charity.
Gregory de Laforrest (Gregroire de Laforrest) calls himself an architect and interior designer. We offer you develop it as a hybrid of the table and birdcage. If you have a home feathered pet, this table will save you space and make your bird always closer to you. Although glass bulb on top and looks a bit blasphemous.
The following concept was created by the Amsterdam collaboration of three designers who produce their products under a single brand «Fraaiheid». This conceptual table convertible was the original name of «+ table». There is a view that the product may be of a large conference table to turn into a small table and a stool. Another feature of the table is its fasteners. For the assembly does not need any locks. Yes, and the table is made without nails or screws. All exclusively on slots and thorns.
Another original development on the theme of Transforming tables - kitchen table from the German designer Daniel Liss (Daniel Liss). His concept of the usual kitchen table, by simple action turns into a desktop. Six seats for the meal, can turn quickly enough to the workplace for two, with a stand and drawers.
Finally, we have more finesse in its purest form. Glass tables from Brooklyn studio «Marius Myking Studio». Its founder is the Norwegian Vidar Coswick, which many people know it as a glassblower. The project involved a team of like-minded people, and all proceeds from the sale go to charity.