Waste-free production as a source of universal blagosotoyaniya
Good friend Nastya shared his thoughts from another trip:
In Berlin, got on bomzhetur. No kidding. A guy who used to be homeless, socialized, started working in the social organization that helps the homeless, and now conducts tours on the reverse side of the city. Of trips made two conclusions: 1) Berlin the poor live better Ukrainian pensioners. 2) plastic bottles can not be thrown away. "I beg you, put the bottle next to the trash. I promise, after 5 minutes, it will not be "- he said. Plastic containers for recycling receive 25 cents per share, and this is one of the main income of the homeless. We conducted an experiment: the bottle was not left in 30 seconds. Now, note the question. Drinking water we buy, and every 2-3 days at home there is a new 6-liter plastic plastic bottles. Tell me what to do with? If we forget about the trash, where to find them a useful application? I understand that this issue is not about politics or kittens, but suddenly someone is interested in something other than that.