"Female Force" (excerpt)

... Adoption - this is the essence of feminine nature. It is manifested in everything. In order to continue life, women should take a man. In order to raise a child, the woman must take a new and as yet unknown, newborn man. To be happy, we must take the beauty and wisdom of their feminine nature.
This is the female "power", the power of "no resistance", the power of staying in their inner harmony, which is part of the harmony of nature. This female power has nothing to do with any sacrifice, nor with mindless obedience, nor demonstrative helplessness - "Oh, I'm just a poor woman!". Important is the ability to self - take.
But none of us women do not teach how to live in harmony with nature. Of us still sculpt "a worthy member of society." We are taught to follow the rules, to serve and to be a "real boys". "You're a good man, Lenka, I am sorry that the woman" - it's a real word, really living person. And this is a vivid reflection of the reality in which we live.
We women learned how the alphabet, that in order to get something, you must first do something. We know that the person is valuable for its actions and deeds in the outside world. And it's really quite logical and correct things. Correct for the male world.
But in the "Women's World" everything is different. There are all living in a completely different laws. The value of women in the "actions" and "deeds". The mission of women is something to "give" and to "take." This is not about selfishness and consumer attitude towards life.
Women's "processes" are similar to the processes occurring in nature. Nature takes it as it incorporates all that is around. Everything that comes into the world, has the right to be. Nature takes all "born" and thus provides space for growth and development. Ie "Taking gives." So this is the basic "law" of "women's world».
But society demands that women do not "making" a permanent "investments". It requires women that "good" for the man, but bad for herself.
And here's a woman climbed onto the podium, said: "Let's change lives for the better!". And cultured in itself is not "the power of love, acceptance and creation," and because of "resistance, combat and destruction." After all, it means that such a world does not suit her, and she refuses to accept and love the way it has.
"I do not need such a son" - the woman says to his son, berating him for some offense. Her actions are well-intentioned - she wants to raise a decent human being. But what makes it really ?!
Men, by the way, often complain that women do not "take a man as he is." Does not accept. Because it grows into a conviction that "take" - this is not correct. Because trained to "invest" in her husband, and not "provide" him space for action ...