650000 Russian businessmen closed their business for six months

According to statistics from the Federal Tax Service, six months in Russia ceased to exist 650,000 individual entrepreneurs. Perhaps this is due to an increase in insurance premiums to the Pension Fund in 2013, and decided to leave a small business in the "shadow».
Since the beginning of the year the decision to liquidate his business took 531,900 people. It all started back in December 2012, whereas in the past month have closed their company about 120,000 entrepreneurs. This outflow of small businesses may be associated with the government's decision to increase premiums in 2013 almost doubled. Thus, individual entrepreneurs must replenish the coffers every month up to 35 thousand. Rubles (2 SMIC), of which the Pension Fund receives about 32, 5 thousand., And in the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund - 3185 rubles. Many experts believe that provided small businesses simply decided to go to the "shadow».
Experts estimate that due to the elimination of such a large number of entrepreneurs in the 2013 budget has lost about 8, 4 billion. Rubles. It is worth noting that in 2014 the government plans to further increase the size of insurance premiums for the SP. This is due to the fact that the average payment for employee recruitment in the country of more than 112 000 rubles per year. In turn, individual entrepreneurs such contributions do not, and their pensions goes to the state.
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