5 GOLDEN RULES effective speaker
Is first passed through the system every public appearance. Each time your preparation time will be reduced, and the efficiency of the speeches grow.
1. Question: What?
What am I saying? What is my main point? The main idea is to be expressed in a simple and understandable thesis. The foundation of your speech - that's what will be remembered, and a foothold in the minds of the audience.
2. Question: What?
For what? What is my purpose? What do I get voicing a particular topic? This is very important because if the objective is formulated incorrectly, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. You are wasting your time and the time of your listener.
3. Question: Who?
Who is the recipient of my message? I speak a language he understands, I take into account the peculiarities of perception of this man, his experience, education, sense of humor ?!
Consider the place, time and duration of your speech. If you do not yet have a problem with the timing of performances, list the entire text. A4 sheet, the 14th skittles, half interval is - three or four minutes oral presentation.
Important time of the day - in the morning audience well perceive actionable design evening - more illustrations and descriptions. Note place performance to maximize effectively present their thoughts.
5. Question: Everything I say?
Question for self-control - everything I said? Say it to yourself before ending the presentation.